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Control Structures

The center of any imperative programming language is control structures. Although Perl is not purely an imperative programming language, it has ancestors that are very much imperative in nature, and thus Perl has inherited those same control structures. It also has added a few of its own.

As you begin to learn about Perl's control structures, realize that a good number of them are syntactic sugar. You can survive using only a subset of all the control structures that are available in Perl. You should use those with which you are comfortable. Obey the "hubris" of Perl, and write code that is readable. But, beyond that, do not use any control structures that you do not think you need.


The first tool that you need to begin to use control structures is the ability to write code "blocks". A block of code could be any of the code examples that we have seen thus far. The only difference is, to make them a block, we would surround them with {}.

use strict;
my $var;

Anything that looks like that is a block. Blocks are very simple, and are much like code blocks in languages like C, C++, and Java. However, in Perl, code blocks are decoupled from any particular control structure. The above code example is a valid piece of Perl code that can appear just about anywhere in a Perl program. Of course, it is only particularly useful for those functions and structures that use blocks.

Note that any variable declared in the block (in the example, $var) lives only until the end of that block. With variables declared my, normal lexical scoping that you are familiar with in C, C++, or Java applies.

A Digression--Truth Values

We have mentioned truth and "true and false" a few times now; however, we have yet to give a clear definition of what truth values are in Perl.

Every expression in Perl has a truth value. Usually, we ignore the truth value of the expressions we use. In fact, we have been ignoring them so far! However, now that we are going to begin studying various control structures that rely on the truth value of a given expression, we should look at true and false values in Perl a bit more closely.

The basic rule that most Perl programmers remember is that 0, the empty string and undef are false, and everything else is true. However, it turns out that this rule is not actually completely accurate.

The actual rule is as follows:

Everything in Perl is true, except:

If that rule is not completely clear, the following table gives some example Perl expressions and states whether they are true or not:
Expression String/Number? Boolean value
0 number false
0.0 number false
0.0000 number false
"" string false
"0" string false
"0.0" string true
undef N/A false
42 - (6 * 7) number false
"0.0" + 0.0 number false
"foo" string true

There are two expressions above that easily confuse new Perl programmers. First of all, the expression "0.0" is true. This is true because it is a string that is not "0". The only string that is not empty that can be false is "0". Thus, "0.0" must be true.

Next, consider "0.0" + 0.0. After what was just stated, one might assume that this expression is true. However, this expression is false. It is false because + is a numeric operator, and as such, "0.0" must be turned into its numeric equivalent. Since the numeric equivalent to "0.0" is 0.0, we get the expression 0.0 + 0.0, which evaluates to 0.0, which is the same as 0, which is false.

Finally, it should be noted that all references are true. The topic of Perl references is beyond the scope of this book. However, if we did not mention it, we would not be giving you the whole truth story.

The if/unless Structures

The if and unless structures are the simplest control structures. You are no doubt comfortable with if statements from C, C++, or Java. Perl's if statements work very much the same.

use strict;
if (expression) {
} elsif (another_expression) {
} else {

There are a few things to note here. The elsif and the else statements are both optional when using an if. It should also be noted that after each if (expression) or elsif (expression), a code block is required. These means that the {}'s are mandatory in all cases, even if you have only one statement inside.

The unless statement works just like an if statement. However, you replace if with unless, and the code block is executed only if the expression is false rather than true.

Thus unless (expression) { } is functionally equivalent to if (! expression) { }.

The while/until Structures

The while structure is equivalent to the while structures in Java, C, or C++. The code executes while the expression remains true.

use strict;
while (expression) {

The until (expression) structure is functionally equivalent while (! expression).

The do while/until Structures

The do/while structure works similar to the while structure, except that the code is executed at least once before the condition is checked.

use strict;
do {
} while (expression);

Again, using until (expression) is the same as using while (! expression).

The for Structure

The for structure works similarly to the for structure found in C, C++ or Java. It is really syntactic sugar for the while statement.


use strict;
for(Initial_Statement; expression; Increment_Statement) {

is equivalent to:

use strict;
while (expression) {

The foreach Structure

The foreach control structure is the most interesting in this chapter. It is specifically designed for processing of Perl's native data types.

The foreach structure takes a scalar, a list and a block, and executes the block of code, setting the scalar to each value in the list, one at a time. Consider an example:

use strict;
my @collection = qw/hat shoes shirts shorts/;
foreach my $item (@collection) {
    print "$item\n";

This will print out each item in collection on a line by itself. Note that you are permitted to declare the scalar variable right with the foreach. When you do this, the variable lives only as long as the foreach does.

You will find foreach to be one of the most useful looping structures in Perl. Any time you need to do something to each element in the list, chances are, using a foreach is the best choice.

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